I was at the restaurant Möllan in my hometown, the southern Swedish town of Malmö, and found that they had added the above pictured Belgian beer to their menu. Being inherently suspicious of lambic(having had some really bad experiences in this area) I nevertheless jumped at the opportunity to try something new, as I (almost always) do. And to my surprise, this was an interesting new acquaintance. Maybe it was the sun and the warm summer temperature, but I really enjoyed the coolness of this beer. Well, it really tastes more like a soda, maybe with a more adult theme to it. Anyway, it was really refreshing, with a clear taste of apple mixed with the sour theme of a lambic. Not really a beer as far as I am concerned, but a refreshing drink for a summer's night.
Oh, and I was at this restaurant in order to plan a tryp to several micro breweries in Denmark this weekend. I will try to get everything to work by then, so that I can send reports here frequently.