Monday, 10 August 2009


Name: Budweiser
Manufacturer: Budweiser
Country: Great Britain (...)
Media: bottle
Type: pilsner

Appearance: High, frothy head, fully diminishing, yellow color (looks like apple juice)

Aroma: OK, let's be frank, it smells like a pilsner, no more, no less.

Flavor: I just can't do this. It's a bland pilsner, with a hint of lemon as its (almost) saving grace.

Palate: watery, lively carbonation which dies off quite fast

Overall: No! No! No!

Grade: 3 (OK, so there are things imaginable which might be worse)

Place/date: Björkeberga, in the south of Sweden - 10 August 2009

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Grimbergen Double

Name: Grimbergen Double
Manufacturer: Grimbergen
Country: Belgium
Media: bottle
Type: cloister beer

Appearance: average, frothy head, diminishing, dark amber color

Aroma: dark and full aroma

Flavor: a bit alchoholic to start with, followed by a beautiful, full-bodied long lasting flavor

Palate: medium body, oily texture, surprisingly lively carbonation (for an abbey beer...)

Overall: As you have probabaly already gathered, I'm enamoured. A good dark cloister beer, sitting comfortably together withe several of the more aknowledged Trapist beers.

Grade: 16

Place/date: Home on the range - 04 August 2009